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Najčešća pitanja

HK V251 2 S

Prigušni ventil
Economy variant 
Cast iron design with precision valve spindle and ball seal, suitable for control panel mounting 
Radni pritisak
350 bar 
Customs tariff number
PDF preuzimanje


  • Economy variant 
  • Cast iron design with precision valve spindle and ball seal, suitable for control panel mounting 
Radni pritisak
  • 350 bar 
Customs tariff number
  • 84812010 

Opis proizvoda

Ovi ventili se moraju podesiti za primenu.
Precise volumetric flow control or barring in both directions.
Precise throttling over a wide flow rate range.
The hexagon socket screw in the setting knob serves for locking.
An additional lock nut is available for control panel installation.

Product variants

5 Results
Prikaz crteža s dimenzijama
Protok maks. (l/min)
A (mm)
B (mm)
C (mm)
Detalji / items
13 l/min
46 mm
23 mm
17 mm
Saznajte više
30 l/min
55 mm
28 mm
22 mm
Saznajte više
60 l/min
70 mm
35 mm
27 mm
Saznajte više
75 l/min
91 mm
45 mm
34 mm
Saznajte više
80 l/min
110 mm
55 mm
45 mm
Saznajte više
Vrednosti za maks. protok kod Δp=20bar

Column selection

Protok maks. (l/min)
A (mm)
B (mm)
C (mm)
Ø F (mm)
Vrednosti za maks. protok kod Δp=20bar