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Često postavljana pitanja

K- 07 35 13 07

Safety coupling
Protok nom.
4.000 l/min
62,3 mm
24 mm
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Detalji o proizvodu za

K- 07 35 13 07

Protok nom.
4.000 l/min
62,3 mm
24 mm


Temperatura medija
  • -20 °C to +100 °C 
  • NBR 
  • ne hrđajući čelik 
  • čelik / pocinčani mesing 
Radni tlak
  • max. 16 bara 
Broj carinske tarife
  • 84812090 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
High-quality, robust and durable, one-hand quick disconnect safety couplings, in safety version with very high flow rate and only a small pressure drop. The release is fully automatic in two stages. The coupling is vented before final uncoupling to minimise the risk of injury to the operator from flying hose ends. The coupling only releases the coupling plug when the residual pressure has fallen below approx. 0.3 bar. The dreaded "whiplash effect" is thus avoided and the risk of injury to the operator virtually eliminated. This safety version conforms to ISO-Standard DIN EN ISO 4414. Suitable for all applications with an above-average air requirement and characterised by extreme conditions!
Dodatne informacije
The indicated working pressure refers to the coupling only and is dependent on the selected connection types.

Product variants

3 Results
Protok nom. (l/min)
Duljina (mm)
SW (mm)
Detalji / Komad
4.000 l/min
G 3/8″ unutarnji 
62,3 mm
24 mm
Saznaj više
4.000 l/min
G 1/2″ unutarnji 
67,3 mm
25 mm
Saznaj više
4.000 l/min
G 3/4″ unutarnji 
64,5 mm
32 mm
Saznaj više

Column selection

Protok nom. (l/min)
Duljina (mm)
SW (mm)