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Često postavljana pitanja

HKK 12V 1.6-210 5 5

Kompaktaggregat 12V, 1.6kW, 210bar
12 V DC 
1,6 kW
S2: 3 min; S3: 7.5 % 
Preuzimanje PDF-a
Detalji o proizvodu za

HKK 12V 1.6-210 5 5

12 V DC
1,6 kW
S2: 3 min; S3: 7.5 %
Tlak maks.
210 bar
maks. radni tlak
190 bar
Nazivna volumenska struja
4,5 l/min
5 l
433 mm
190 mm
238 mm
Sva svojstva


  • Basic unit with direct current motor, without control valve 
  • Hidraulične tekućine na bazi mineralnog ulja 
Priključak P + T
  • BSP unutarnji navoj cilindrični 
Navoj P + T
  • G 1/4″ -19 
Broj carinske tarife
  • 84136020 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

Please note the specified operating mode.
Additional components such as control valves can be retrofitted if required.
Basic unit for generating small volume flows and medium pressures.
Tested and set to maximum operating pressure.
Adjustable pressure relief valve.
Non-return valve in channel P.
Without control valves.
These units can be used horizontally and vertically.
The usable volume of the tank depends on the installation position.
Tank size 5 liters: usable volume horizontal 4.0 liters, vertical 3.0 liters.
Tank size 8 liters: usable volume horizontal 6.6 liters, vertical 5.8 liters.
Opseg isporuke
Compact power unit without oil filling, with installation instructions and documentation

Product variants

5 Results
Prikaži crtež s dimenzijama
Snaga (kW)
Tlak maks. (bar)
Detalji / Komad
12 V DC 
0,8 kW
S2: 4 min; S3: 9 % 
180 bar
Saznaj više
12 V DC 
1,6 kW
S2: 3 min; S3: 7.5 % 
210 bar
Saznaj više
24 V DC 
0,8 kW
S2: 4 min; S3: 10 % 
180 bar
Saznaj više
24 V DC 
2,2 kW
S2: 1.2 min; S3: 4.5 % 
210 bar
Saznaj više
24 V DC 
3 kW
S2: 4 min; S3: 15 % 
230 bar
Saznaj više
Operating mode: S2 - short-term operation, S3 - periodic operation
Max. pressure: Maximum operating pressure, set value of the pressure relief valve
The values for the nominal volumetric flow rate are valid at the maximum pressure stated in the table

Column selection

Snaga (kW)
Tlak maks. (bar)
maks. radni tlak (bar)
Nazivna volumenska struja (l/min)
Volumen (l)
A (mm)
B (mm)
C (mm)
Operating mode: S2 - short-term operation, S3 - periodic operation
Max. pressure: Maximum operating pressure, set value of the pressure relief valve
The values for the nominal volumetric flow rate are valid at the maximum pressure stated in the table

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