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Često postavljana pitanja

K- 07 40 17 31

Hose tee connector, POM
Detalji o proizvodu za

K- 07 40 17 31

50 mm
26 mm
za crijevo
ID = internal width 6 mm


Temperaturno područje
  • -40 °C do +90 °C 
Broj carinske tarife
  • 39174000 

Opis proizvoda

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
Lightweight tube connectors distinguished by high strength, toughness, resistance to abrasion and impact resistance. Resistant to: Acetone, benzine, benzene, butane, alcohols, diesel fuels, crude oil, natural gas, ethanol, fruit juices, glycerine, fuel oil, hydraulic fluids, aliphatic ketones, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, engine oils, methanol, propane, liquefied gas, lubricating oils, lubricating greases, town gas, washing liquor and water.

Product variants

11 Results
Prikaži crtež s dimenzijama
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
za crijevo
Detalji / Komad
25  mm
12,5  mm
ID = internal width 3 mm  
Saznaj više
35  mm
19,5  mm
ID = internal width 4 mm  
Saznaj više
42  mm
22  mm
ID = internal width 5 mm  
Saznaj više
50  mm
26  mm
ID = internal width 6 mm  
Saznaj više
58  mm
30  mm
ID = internal width 8 mm  
Saznaj više
62,5  mm
33,5  mm
ID = internal width 10 mm  
Saznaj više
69  mm
36  mm
ID = internal width 12 mm  
Saznaj više
69  mm
36  mm
ID = internal width 13 mm  
Saznaj više
81  mm
45  mm
ID = internal width 16 mm  
Saznaj više
85  mm
45  mm
ID = internal width 19 mm  
Saznaj više

Shows 10 of 11

Column selection

L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
za crijevo