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Često postavljana pitanja

K- 07 25 03 06

Pressure regulator inline for water with
G 1/4″ -19 
Radni tlak, unaprijed namješten
1,0 bara 
34 mm
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Detalji o proizvodu za

K- 07 25 03 06

G 1/4″ -19
Radni tlak, unaprijed namješten
1,0 bara
34 mm
51,0 mm
17 mm
Sva svojstva


  • mesing niklovan 
  • 4000 ml/min with 0.8 bar pressure loss 
Radni tlak
  • max. 10 bara 
Temperaturno područje
  • 0 °C do 60 °C 
preostali dijelovi
  • CR, rust-free steel 
Broj carinske tarife
  • 84811099 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
This water regulator is designed as a single-acting diaphragm regulator for installation in any water pipe system. It supplies a precise output value regardless of the input pressure. Since the pressure is preset in the factory and cannot be altered, the product is also tamper-proof. The regulator protects all downstream devices and components in the water pipe by maintaining a required constant pressure and preventing system pressure fluctuations. In combination with a nozzle, it is ideally suited for cooling or cleaning with water spray or mist.

Product variants

4 Results
Prikaži crtež s dimenzijama
Radni tlak, unaprijed namješten
A (mm)
Detalji / Komad
G 1/4″ -19 
1,0 bara 
34 mm
51.0 mm 
Saznaj više
G 1/4″ -19 
2,0 bara 
34 mm
51.0 mm 
Saznaj više
G 1/4″ -19 
3,0 bara 
34 mm
51.0 mm 
Saznaj više
G 1/4″ -19 
4,0 bara 
34 mm
51.0 mm 
Saznaj više

Column selection

Radni tlak, unaprijed namješten
A (mm)
SW (mm)