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K- 07 25 10 05

Proportional control valve sentronic D
Protok nom.
780 l/min
Navoj priključka
G 1/4″ -19 
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Detalji o proizvodu za

K- 07 25 10 05

Protok nom.
780 l/min
Navoj priključka
G 1/4″ -19
52,0 mm
112 mm
Sva svojstva


Okolna temperatura
  • 0 - 50 °C 
Temperatura medija
  • 0 - 60 °C 
Područje tlaka
  • 0 - 10 bara 
  • 0 to 10 V (on request: 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA) 
  • Proportional solenoid valve 
Digitalni izlaz
  • Pressure switch output PNP +/- 5% 
  • NBR 
Unutarnji dijelovi
  • POM 
Analogni izlaz
  • 0 - 10 V 
  • aluminij 
  • zrak, neutralni plinovi (filtar ≤ 50 µm propisan) 
Broj carinske tarife
  • 84818079 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
Constantly increasing demands on quality, accuracy, productivity, comfort, ease of operation and service place ever higher demands on operating and manufacturing equipment. These high demands can only be achieved with a more precise adjustment of the physical variables such as temperature, pressure, force, speed, torque etc. to the respective operating conditions. The stepless adjustment of the physical variables is of decisive importance here. Proportional valves open up the possibility of varying a medium depending on an electronic input variable. The linkage with electronics improves the accuracy and expands the fields of application. For example, a pressure regulator must be usable for many pressure ranges without manually adjusting the pressure. The proportional valve regulates the output pressure in a closed control loop proportionally to the specified setpoint signal. The output pressure is thus constantly compared with the desired setpoint and continuously adjusted - always depending on the current parameters.
Dodatne informacije
0 - 10 V setpoint electrical
Setting failsafe Pressure relieved in case of loss of voltage

Product variants

4 Results
Prikaži crtež s dimenzijama
Protok nom. (l/min)
Navoj priključka
Detalji / Komad
780 l/min
G 1/8″ -28 
52.0 mm 
Saznaj više
780 l/min
G 1/4″ -19 
52.0 mm 
Saznaj više
1.750 l/min
G 1/4″ -19 
66.0 mm 
Saznaj više
1.750 l/min
G 3/8″ -19 
66.0 mm 
Saznaj više
DN = nazivni promjer, nazivna širina

Column selection

Protok nom. (l/min)
Navoj priključka
C (mm)
DN = nazivni promjer, nazivna širina